Collective activity co-created by BlueGenes ocean community.
As part of the mission “restore our Ocean & waters by 2030” objective , I’ve been given a grant to develop a pilot project that explores the thematic “Ocean & Arts“.
I’ve proposed a concept based on a collective activity that is building bridges between Art&Science and that could be proposed to the public through new narratives.
I came up with the concept of a giant collaborative puzzle. An activity that mixes visual arts, poetry & music, and that also involves scientific oceanographic divulgation.
The project is taking shape of a giant puzzle: a colorful composition that represents the richness of marine biodiversity. The composition is inspired by a “stained glass window” that are decorating the windows of cathedrals.
I used the metaphor of a “broken glass window” to represent the fragility of this ecosystem and the pressure that human activity is causing upon it.
This fragile harmonious scenery is cracking and falling as broken pieces on the floor.
The public discovers at the beginning of the activity an “ecological crime scene“.

An introduction that is mixing music and poetry sets up the story so the public can start playing.
During the activity that is guided by marine scientists / facilitators from the “Blue Genes community”,
each participant is asked to answer questions and share his connection with the ocean.
This allows to establish a “dialogue” between the public and the scientists and explore concerns, suggestions, and possible solutions that can be co-imagined.
After each round of questions, the public is invited to place pieces of the puzzle on the board structure to recompose the giant puzzle made of 44 pieces.

The activity was presented during the Festival Fes!Cultura #accioclima 2024 in Barcelona ( in the Artistic center Fabra I Coats).
You can discover the project on this page of my portfolio : Giant collective puzzle