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Participative performance organized by “Blue Genes” – ocean community as part of the World Ocean Congress satellite events.

The 2024 United Nations World Ocean Congress 2024 was hosted by the city of Barcelona between the 10th to 12th of April.
For this occasion, thousands of specialists, scientists, politics and ocean lovers gathered around this event in order to discuss new ways to protect our oceans and operate a change of policies + actions to limit the issues the oceans are currently facing.

As part of the Satellite events that were organized in different places of the conference center, The “Blue Genes” ocean community I’m part of proposed a 2 part event called “Enbluement” : Connecting science and Arts to expand our belongings to the oceans”.
This event was done in collaboration with “BlueWave Alliance” and the Barcelona City Council.

The 2nd part of the event took place in front of the “ICM” ( Instituto de Ciencias del Mar) and proposed a multi-artistic collaborative performance to invite the public to immerse themselves into this celebration of the oceans through

  • improvised and collaborative shoal dance
  • choir singing
  • visual arts
  • sculptures and installations that blend art and science.

    I was asked to design +20 meters of hand-painted wavy patterns on fabrics that were used as part of the parade that circled around the ICM building.

Gallery of photos “Enbluement” part 2 :

(Photos credits : @YellowCalling for BlueWave Alliance)