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Ladislas.C :  Painter / Digital Artist / Illustrator

Hello there! My name is Ladislas, i'm a French artist who is using my creativity and my artistic vision to reconnect humanity with nature.
I'm creating surreal paintings & projects that pay tribute to the beauty, diversity, and richness of what can be found on earth.

By exploring hopeful alternative realities, my objective is to re-establish an emotional connection between the viewer and Earth's biodiversity.
Creating possible futures that include humanity as part of all the other species, and helping us remember that this great natural treasure is worth protecting.

I'm collaborating and working on projects that are sharing similar sustainable + collaborative values and want to act for a better future.

A selection of projects

“Mesoamerican reef day” Bacalar collaborative mural Mexico

Giant collaborative puzzle activity / Blue Genes

interior mural – Ceret France

Cascade I

Giving Oceans A Helping Hand

Art for conservation workshop @ Oceanografic Valencia

“Enbluement” Blue Genes activation for World Ocean Congress 2024

Let It Breathe

SeaChange Artbook

“Le Rythme Des Vagues”- Moss Foundation project 2024

Go To The Portfolio Page

Some Clients i already collaborated with :

Quelques clients avec lesquels j'ai déjà collaboré :

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